Back at CES, AMD CEO Lisa Su mentioned that they were working on ray tracing from a hardware and software end. AMD releases two affordable Navi-based Radeon RX cards and lays out ray tracing plans. When NVIDIA launched the RTX series GPUs, most people complained that it was an expensive feature that. Vega does not have dedicated ray tracing hardware, so it would be painfully slow.

AMD has not announced anything about raytracing support in future hardware . However, the GPU power may . Went to Nvida to see if there were any updated GPU drivers and found this thread concerning Ray Tracing on GTX 10xx series GPU cards: . AMD has released close to NIL information about raytracing , except that it is very important technology and that it is absolutely being worked on . Radeon- Rays helps get the most out of AMD GPUs and CPU or . A new demo from Crytek showcases ray tracing performance without. According to the video, this demo should run on both AMD and Nvidia . In context: Ray tracing has often been referred to as the holy grail of video game graphics, and for good reason. The rendering technology is . Die neuen Navi-Grafikkarten von AMD unterstützen kein hardwarebeschleunigtes Raytracing.
Was erst wie ein Eingeständnis gegenüber. A AMD está preparando uma solução híbrida de ray tracing em tempo real para rivalizar com a geração Turing da Nvidia, ou ao menos é isso .