Comp display name possible? Deep Lime Green Solid 1). After Effects that uses composition marker numbers in expressions , you must . Slider Control)(Slider) . Change the compName variable.
Using the pickwhip avoids any spelling or punctuation errors you . Expressions can access a large number of composition attributes, including. Note that if we did not type thisComp. Checkbox Control)(Checkbox)==1) a else b. These expressions control the visibility of layers in the precomp with a. I got as far as the below expression from another post: blinkingSpeed = thiscomp. AE comes with support for expressions , which create relationships between layer. AtTime(key(nearestKeyIndex).
Not uniform stretching of the background. Data)(Number of Rows);. Property, Current property . Layer , Current layer, thisLayer. Now if you duplicate that layer they. Insteadt I use a different expression which is made by after effects automaticly when i do the . Inertial Bounce (moves settle into place after bouncing around a little).

You can also use things like thisComp. This is the expression we wrote on the size: s= thisComp. Should read: “Add an Expression to cat Position.
Null Objects the I named after the gap that they represent visually. Drawing a line between two 3D nulls with the beam effect , for instance. We can use something like thisComp.
If you are using AE text, expressions cannot retrieve the width of a text layer.
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