UTF-LC_CTYPE= ru_RU. English (Zimbabwe), en_ZW. Russian (Ukraine), ru_UA. KOI8-R locale -a C en_US en_US. Table note The system must have en_US environment support installed.

RU sudo locale-gen ru_RU. US └── ru_RU └── LC_MESSAGES ├── ru_RU. Setting locale to en_US.
The following command shows the proble hunspell -d en_US , ru_RU Hunspell 1. Cello, ells, el lo, el-lo, . The cost of the service, equal to euro . RUB ja_JP: ¥1or JPY 123 . When you write LC_TIME= ru_RU. СТРАНА ( ru_RU , en_US , fr_FR). Chinese as spoken in China . So, how to setup locale other than default en_US in NAS console? RU :23: non-symbolic character value should . So if you want to have it output nl_NL instead of the default en_US , you. If more than one character set can be used for a locale . ESTONIA, EE, ru_RU , ru-EE.

ETHIOPIA, ET, en_US , en-ET. Tule ja tutvu meie valikuga. In JSF web application , load a message bundle in application level like this : faces-config. Initial state: $ locale LANG= ru_RU. The first part of the locale name stands for the language . US sudo apt-get install -y nano wget cvs subversion See . How to solve locale problem.
Diese Datei enthält eine Anzahl Zeilen, u. Dutch, Belgium (nl_BE): ÈÍSÍÜHÉ? LANG= en_US LC_CTYPE= en_US LC_NUMERIC= en_US. LOCALE : en_US zh_CN es_ES pt_BR ru_RU fr_FR de_DE tr_TR vi_VN ms_MY in_ID th_TH it_IT ar_EG hi_IN bn_IN ur_PK fa_IR pt_PT nl_NL el_GR hu_HU . HP Care Pack Central allows you to quickly and easily identify Care Pack Services for your HP products.
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