DeckLink are high performance capture cards for Mac, Windows and Linux with support for 12G-SDI and 8K. Supports 6G 4:2:and 3G 4:4:4. SDI Audio uloslähdöt: channels embedded in SD and HD. DeckLink 8K Pro Extreme 8K kaappaus ja toistokortti 8x PCI-E -väylään.
Quad link 12G‑SDI SDI liitännät. Nyt kortti on uusimman päivityksen myötä myös neljän. Jokainen liitäntä näkyy käyttöjärjestelmälle omana videolaitteena.
Declink SDI Micro on pienikokoinen M. Neljä SDI-korttia yhdessä! Video-editing capture card. SDI inputs and outputs supporting SD and HD video formats that can be inter-switched. Capture and playback with 6G-SDI for S H 2K and Ultra HD.
Includes SDI and HDMI outputs for connecting to any television or monitor. Monitor uncompressed 10-bit video from your computer! Offering broadcast grade . Advanced lane PCI Express capture and playback card for high resolution 8K workflows. Fully compatible with the previous 4 . No other capture cards support more applications and more platforms than DeckLink , so you can always work . Sony HDCAM SR deck in 4:2:( DeckLink HD Extreme 2). These channels can be used for either . DeckLink 4K Extreme features a high performance design for working in the highest film quality!
Mobile Viewpoint uses DeckLink SDI Micro cards with their Terralink. DeckLink 4K Pro is a high performance PCI Express capture and playback card with advanced 12G-SDI for working with the latest high frame rate Ultra HD and . This card is supposed to work . Vytvořte si vlastní studiové řešení postavené na kartách DeckLink Duo. Pokud potřebujete zpracovávat více kanálů SDI videa na špičkové . Parhaat tarjoukset verkkokaupasta. Lue arvostelu ja jaa kokemuksia. Build custom broadcast solutions with DeckLink Quad.

Fast New Zealand shipping. Blackmagic Authorised Dealer. The device is recognised but not available, tried everything, nothing works. Some of them can run on a laptop, and will record FC -3D . The Decklink SDI card does not work with V4L(v4l2) . Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3.
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