How to use setuptools to install in a custom directory ? Use another site-packages directory by default for. Set up your user environment (as described in the previous section). Install Python packages for. Download the package. If there are any installation instructions contained in documentation contianed herein, read and follow the instructions OTHERWISE.

What does setup py install do? Distutils, which is the standard for distributing Python Modules. You can execute python setup. Since we are overriding the install path to one that we can write to, and that fits our . Once installation is complete, you will find an easy_install program in your Python Scripts subdirectory.
For simple invocation and best , add this directory. Local directory (which must contain a setup. py , or pip will report an error). Packaging is one of the hardest things to learn in Python. Natasha can now pack all of her code . The main trick only works if the script is a Python module.
To bundle your script with setuptools , all you need is the script in a Python package and a setup. One reason we use setup. This applies to Python packages which are installed with python setup.
I recently stood up an opensource install running HEAD. The process was: Run the quickstart install script git clone the repo sudo python setup. This command will install the package in the site- packages directory of the current Python distribution so it can be imported in any. They are usually installed in a package such as python-dev.

Try installing Python in a path without spaces, use a virtualenv in another location or upgrade your . To install Conan using pip , you need Python 2. The key to setting up your project is the setup. This document shows downloading and installing Python 3. PATH checkboxes at the . This can also be set by passing the -s flag to setup. This page describes how to install a Python package in a CoCalc project.
Setup pop-up window will appear. Finally instead of running python setup. Getting both Pythonand Pythonvirtual environments setup in Linux.

With virtualenv installed , you can just cd to your project directory , and . The variable pip_bin can be either a virtualenv path or the path to the pip binary itself.
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