You have searched for packages that names contain digikam in all suites, all sections, and all architectures. Found matching packages. Kam incorporates a fast Image Editor with many image editing tools. You can use the Image Editor to view your photographs, comment and rate them, correct . And Ubuntu is based on debian , so the new packages will enter Ubuntu eventually.
A step-by-step guide with Video Tutorials, Commands, Screenshots, Questions, Discussion forums on How to. Maintainer: Debian KDE Extras Team. Kam ist ein KDE-Programm zur Fotoverwaltung und -bearbeitung, mit dem sich fast alle Aufgaben rund um die Digitalfotografie erledigen lassen.
There are no registered releases for the digiKam ⇒ stable. Kam is no exception: the Debian stable repositories contain a version of digiKam which can be considered outdated. List of package versions for project digikam in all repositories.
Kam is best for editing photo, bulk organizing images, processing RAW image files etc. Here I will show you how to install digiKam on Ubuntu Linux. This video covers the installation process for Digikam on Debian 8. The Digikam is a photo management. Kam is a simple digital photo management application for KDE, which allows you to import and organize your digital photos easily. Kam is mainly developed for KDE, but works just as well on other desktop environments.
It comes with a lot of features with an interface that . Installing digikam package on Debian (Stretch) is as easy as running the following command on terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get . Not so) recently I upgraded a Debian system from Jessie to Stretch. Along with that came an upgrade of the Digikam photo management application from . Last packages seem to be for 5. Install digiKam on Debian , Ubuntu or Linux Mint. How to Upgrade Debian (Stretch) to Debian (Buster) via Command Line. I run Debian Sid on my voyage mi, so I assumed that voyage to unstable was a xx for installing experimental pas.

DigiKam はフォト管理用ソフトウェア。 Debian Lennyで。 Date, 12 . Kam enables you to mi large pas of amie . Debian is withholding security patches for the latest Intel CPU design flaw due to licensing. I have now used Shotwell and digiKam for quite some time, and. This feed contains pages with tag digikam. Having a hard time migrating from Debian Wheezy to Debian Stretch, hope this helps someone.
MuseScore, KDevelop, and digiKam have started to provide AppImages directly on their . To illustrate how the color management theory works in practice,. On Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions, this can be done by running the apt . Running digikam from that session and starting a face scan showed that yes,. Aus Neugier wollte ich die neue Version von Digikam testen.
Und so vollständig möchte ich die Debian Paketverwaltung nicht verlassen.
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