Note: check the dependencies before trying to compile digiKam. However, I provide links to instructions for other platforms than. Kam requires a lot of libraries. Installing a tarball will get you the most up-to-date stable version of digiKam. But it can happen that you run into all kinds of problems related to compiling.
You can choose the one which fits you best. We provide detailed instructions for each of them. This is done by your distribution. A disadvantage is that in some cases the version provided by your . Hello, I compiled the latest digikam (.0betaat the moment) on Ubuntu 18.
I would post my process here. Building DigiKam locally. Afterwards, you can start digikam from the kde start menu . Required Installations: Qt Creator, a cross . Digikam and Libkipi - Ubuntu 15.
According to the developers, this is . Artful PPA for Dominik Stadler, A PPA for packages that are compiled against pure . But compilation stops with an error regarding . There are several ways to deploy digiKam on your machine. And if you have time and some technical skills, you can compile digiKam from source. It seems like the only way to do this is to download the source and compile it. Kam is a simple digital photo management application for KDE, which allows you to import and organize your digital photos easily.
Reportedly, there is information on a new compile option in the libkface README. While it is possible to e. Kam project left definitively the way to compile whole source code . This package will soon be part of the auto-opencv transition. You might want to ensure that your package is ready for it. Small patch needed to compile liblqr on Mac OS: change upstream.

Title of my previous post How to install the latest digiKam version on Ubuntu was a little misleading, because the instructions were for digiKam. Kam team just announced v3. I installed digikam via macports and it works great. Moreover, it seems that the piwigoexport_0.
Digital Photo Management Application digiKam 4. Unable to compile a basic Qt application. You need last libkdcraw and libkexivfrom svn trunk to compile digiKam (will be released with KDE ). To extract libraries source code from . In a way, digiKam is an underappreciated application. Kam , you either need to install it from a third-party repository or compile the application from source. Compiling digikam gives me -lselinux ld errors.
Though, for the recor it compiled fine.
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