A MIDI splitter I bought in PCB form to use with my BeatStep Pro. Very good value and high quality. The device does not take up much space and can be virtually invisible in your musical stan hidden easily in wires.

MIDI Solutions MultiVoltage Quadra Thru. You also can connect multiple PMS-2 . All MIDI messages appearing at the input are sent to all four Thru outputs. MIDI interfaces including Thru boxes as well as PC interfaces. MIDI Thru Box -(Splitter) for just £37. MIDI-Tool und das ganze zu einem unschlagbaren Preis.
Here at FREE THE TONE, we adopt MIDI devices in most of our custom pedalboards and rack systems. Active circuitry cleans up any skewing of MIDI data bits . Powered from a mains adaptor (wall wart) so you can fit and . I sequenced multiple devices with my MPC back in the day and needed a midi thru box in order to not get the lag in the sequences. There are tons of old ones in . To this I also needed to add 8- and 14-pin IC mounts, a project box , . Sending MIDI to multiple devices should be simple! When working with more than one MIDI device, like sequencers, keyboards. Designed for the musicians out there this Way Midi Thru -Splitter Box has been thoughtfully designed by Sergio Sena, a musician and an . Data LED (blinking if data flows), no need .