Now that you know how to crop , you probably also . But can you crop your image with something other than a rectangle? Clipping in inkscape can be done with a wide range of clipping . The best way to crop is to create an object and shrink the picture to the object. The technique will be shown in this guide. There have been so many times I cropped and image before. This works very well for thumbnails and simply.

This will turn the raster image (non editable) into a vector image. I want the sides of this SVG image trimmed: enter image description here. Is there a way to inverse clip? Please launch this from inside a folder with svg files.
In Mac OS X scripting . Inkscape - Clip ( Crop ). Because the original image is still there, fully intact and with all its contents. I really miss a crop -tool for imported images. Could this tool be found in a next version please? You have to create a shape (such as a rectangle) using . Cropping images can be done easily in many image programs, but if you are working in a design program,. See the Instruction Page for an index of . Clipping and Masking are fantastic little operations that can make your complicated objects conform to another element of your design by . I have a circle behind it . Total commander android alternative.